Ballet Levels
Pre-Primary (age 3-4)
Allows children to experiment and discover movement qualities through imagination. One 30 minute class per week.
Primary A, B, C (age 5 and older)
Stand in poised manner, learn to hold ballet skirt to develop hand and arm placement, be aware of spacing relative to other students, ballet vocabulary, 1 hour class per week.

​Level 1A, 1B, 1C (age 8 and older)
Begin ballet technique at barre, continue learning vocabulary pertaining to level, become aware of correct ballet posture and turnout. Floor exercises to develop strength in feet and legs for future pointe work. Thera band is required. Two 1 hour classes per week required.

Level 2A, 2B, 2C (age 9 and older)
Must have a working knowledge of basic vocabulary and theory of the previous levels. Turnout and correct posture maintained throughout barre work. Continue preparation for pointe work. Two 1 hour classes per week required.

​Level 3A, 3B, 3C (age 10 and older)
Must have a working knowledge of basic vocabulary and theory of the previous levels. Turnout and correct posture in center work. Continue preparation for pointe work. Demi-pointe shoes are introduced. Two 1 1/2 hour classes per week are required.
Level 4A, 4B, 4C ( age 11 and older)
All vocabulary and theory of previous levels should be incorporated in addition to new material. Maximum turnout and correct posture should be maintained throughout barre and center work. Increased difficulty at barre and center exercises. Pointe work should be executed with one hand on barre. Two 1 1/2 hour classes per week plus one 1 1/2 hour pointe class per week required.
Level 5B, 5B,5C (age 12 and older)
All vocabulary and theory of previous levels should be incorporated in addition to new material. Increased technique and exercise difficulty at the barre and center work. Pointe work should be executed with one hand on the barre for all exercises. Three 1 1/2 hour classes per week plus one 1 1/2 hour pointe class per week required.

Level 6, 7 (age 13 and older)
All vocabulary and theory of previous levels should be incorporated in addition to new material. Increased technique and exercise difficulty at the barre and center work. Pointe work is incorporated into each ballet class during the week. Focus is on perfecting dancers artistry and performance. Four 2 hour classes per week required. Additional stretch or yoga classes encouraged.
*** All level placements are teacher approved. New students with previous dance experience will be asked to take a placement class to determine level. Levels having A,B, and C ensure that the students are retaining all of the training needed before advancing. Some students may only need one year at a level before approval to move to the next level. Some may need to work in that level for all three years before advancing. All decisions are at the discretion of the teacher.***

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