The Yuba City Youth Ballet (YCYB) is a non-profit 501c(3) organization associated with Studio B Academy in Yuba City. The organization was established in 2013 to help students who are serious about taking their dancing career to the next level. The funds raised are used to help with tuition for advanced summer intensives and master classes.
2023 / 2024 YCYB Auditions
Watch here for all the details for next years auditions!
Company Requirements
Expectations and Requirements for Yuba City Youth Ballet Company members 2023-2024
We had great success this past 2022-2023 season with all the new performance opportunities; Nutcracker, California Dance Classics and Regional Dance America Ballet Festival, all of which made a very big impact. It truly has set the bar high for the dancers and we hope to continue training dancers at this level. With this great success came a new level of discipline, work ethic and expectations that we plan on carrying forward with the new season.
If your dancer will be auditioning this season they will have two options:
Option one: YCYB Company Member, which entails a Thursday night company class, performance opportunities, master classes, community service projects and fundraising for summer intensive programs. Being a part of YCYB develops teamwork, friendships and a higher appreciation for the art of dance.
Option two: YCYB Performance Group Member, in addition to all the above, the Performance Group will have 3 hours of additional training and rehearsal each Saturday preparing for CDC competition and RDA Ballet Festival.
Audition Options
A sign-up sheet will be at the front desk. There will be a section to check for Company member only and a section to check for performance group member, which includes being a company member as well. The audition process will determine if you are placed in the Ballet Performance Group, Contemporary Performance Group or Solo Category. If interested in the solo category you must do a classical ballet variation in order to do a contemporary solo.
Company Attendance Requirements
YCYB Company is designed for the dancer that is committed to this activity and not involved in other after school activities that take away from the focus of this program. With that being said, you must commit to the full season adhering to the requirement of only having 6 YCYB class absences. This will insure the commitment to the team.